"... you don't want to be that guy who quits in the ring - that's unforgiveable. If you quit because you don't want to get hit anymore, you took the hairy vagina way out. If you want to be a man, take the hits and get knocked the fuck out. My philosophy on getting knocked out is that it renders you unconscious and numb, so why worry about it."

He didn't quit, his jaw was dislocated. I don't know if you've ever had a dislocated or broken jaw, but try standing up or keeping your footing after one some time. You'll see why he went down like he did.
ReplyDeleteHis jaw was not broken. Those reports have since been debunked... Look it up. He was hurt after the first knock-down. Notice how he sticks his chin straight out and opens up his shoulders to try and at least touch Silva. He's not even throwing a techincal punch. He's just snapping his forearm and extending his elbow... it's quite bad actually. This is not the guy who held the LHW belt for a short time. He was embarrassed. Same thing happened after he got knocked out by Jardine.
ReplyDeleteIts true that the first reports saying that Forrests jaw was broken/dislocated are not accurate but clearly he took a perfectly placed shot to the chin and was knocked out. That's hardly throwing the fight as some have alledged. Forrests mistake was trying to bang with probably the best striker in MMA. Forrest was way out of his league. Forrest should be given credit for taking a fight that many big name fighters make have passed on to avoid an embarassing beat down.
ReplyDeleteHe did get knocked out...so this post is useless. The ref and Silva were approaching him at the same time, so there's no telling why he was holding his hands up. Worthless column, quit writing
ReplyDeleteHe DIDNT get knocked out, he even used his forearm to block his fall.
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ReplyDeleteWe've all seen what 'knocked out' looks like. The head gets locked in some position. The person is oblivious to what is going on. And they definitely are unable to defend themselves. None of this describes what Forrest looks like when he goes down. He even waits until Silva approaches him and then puts his hands up as if to say, "I've had enough".
ReplyDeleteRegardless of what Forrest said in his book, he was justified in quitting against Silva, all that "hairy vagina" stuff sounds good on paper, but the reality at that point of the fight was that he could quit, or suffer unecessarily when the outcome of the fight had been determined. Forrest's philosophy is flawed, why worry about it? unconscious and numb are one punch away from coma and dead.