Todd Duffee Knockout - UFC Record
This is the spectacular and record breaking Todd Duffee Knockout from UFC 102.
Randy Couture UFC 102 Post Fight Interview
Post UFC 101 Update: Randy Couture is not done yet. He has signed a 6 fight extension with the UFC. Via MMA Junkie:
Couture and UFC president Dana White announced following Saturday's "UFC 102: Couture vs. Nogueira" event that the 46-year-old signed a new six-fight, 28-month contract prior to his main-event loss to Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira in Portland, Ore.
"I think the opportunity to stay with the organization was my motivation," Couture (16-10 MMA, 13-7 UFC) said. "I think with things being the way they are, this is the place to be. I intend to finish my career here in the UFC."
Erin Andrews Conspiracy Theories

David Whitley over at Fanhouse puts on his tin foil hat as he puts some popular Erin Andrews conspiracy theories to the test.
Conspiracy Theory One -- Andrews staged the video
Evidence: She's hot right now, but at 31 it won't be too many years before the cheesecake appeal fades. Go for the Paris Hilton Effect and intentionally leak a nude video.
Verdict: No way. Until she does a reality show with Nicole Ritchie, Andrews deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Conspiracy Theory Two -- ESPN staged it
Evidence: It's TV.
For all its serious journalistic pretense, ESPN doesn't mind flashing a little T&A. Witness last week's NASCAR ceremony at the White House. ESPN got a sit-down interview on the lawn with Barack Obama. Nicole Manske set a record for shortest skirt worn by a non-Clinton intern. Let's just say Helen Thomas hasn't worn pumps like that since the Hoover Administration.
Verdict: Again, no way. Nobody at ESPN would be foolish enough to actually propose a peep-show caper in lieu of Andrews doing a commercial with Syracuse's mascot.
Sub-Conspiracy Theory Two – Some rogue associated with ESPN was behind it
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Where's the Truth in Erin Andrews Saga?
Forrest Griffin Presents Ironic Quote of the Decade
"... you don't want to be that guy who quits in the ring - that's unforgiveable. If you quit because you don't want to get hit anymore, you took the hairy vagina way out. If you want to be a man, take the hits and get knocked the fuck out. My philosophy on getting knocked out is that it renders you unconscious and numb, so why worry about it."

Thought Of The Week

There is believe it or not text somewhere in that picture. My friend tells me that the phrase "TITS, They dont' magically appear when girls turn 18" is implanted somewhere.
Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin Betting Odds
- Brock Lesnar -215
- Shane Carwin +175
A money line, used in MMA, Boxing,Baseball and Hockey, takes the place of a point spread.
Money line betting is simply wagering on the contest based on a given price rather than a point spread.
The team/fighter wagered on has to win the game outright, regardless of the score.
The minus sign (e.g.-180) always indicates the favorite and the amount you must bet to win $100.
The plus sign (e.g.+150) always indicates the underdog and the amount you win for every $100 bet.
Using this example, therefore, you would bet $180 to win $100 on the favorite (Net $280), while for the underdog you would bet $100 to win $150 (Net $250).
UFC 102 Video Predictions
Watch as THE TAG TEAM SUPREME tells you who is going to win UFC 102!
Randy Couture Vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
Keith Jardine Vs. Thiago Silva
Chris Leben Vs. Jake Rosholt
Nate Marquardt Vs. Demian Maia
Brandon Vera Vs. Krzysztof Soszynski
Big Brother Betting Odds Update: Rodrigo Favored
The Aftermath of “The Sopranos prop”An old conventional wisdom about betting with “local bookmakers” goes something like this: “When you bet with a local bookie there are two sweats: winning your bet and getting paid.” I never imagined that this would apply to getting paid offshore for a winning bet on “The Sopranos” prop.More about that in a moment. The good news was that the first episode of “The Sopranos” 6th season went down just as I had predicted. There were three deaths in the first episode: a random guy that owed the Soprano family money gets shot. FBI informant Ray Curto drops dead in an agent's car just as he's about to spill the beans on some nefarious act committed by Tony. And late in the show our choice for “first to die”--Eugene Pontecorvo—hangs himself. Since the offshore books taking action on the “first to die” prop made it clear that they wouldn't pay for the death of a random character (WWTS specified that the death “must be a known character”) and Raymond Curto wasn't on the list at any of the books getting the bet graded as a winner would be a forgone conclusion. Or so I thought...The problems began with a case of mistaken identity: a number of news sources including the New York Daily News incorrectly identified the guy that dropped dead in the FBI agent's car as Patsy Parisi and not Curto. This was a problem since Patsy was on the “first to die” list at Pinnacle, Oasis and YouWager. Pinnacle, to their credit, tried to do the right thing and grade the wager quickly—grading bets on Patsy as winners and on everyone else (including our bet on Eugene) as a loser. At this writing, Pinnacle is researching the matter further after being made aware of the error. Since what I presume to be the “official source” on this matter—the plot synopsis on the HBO website—clearly lists Curto as the dead informant I'm hopeful that this will get paid correctly. Asways one of my favourite online betting destinations paid in full. Note: Sports betting Australia is not limted to the AFL and racing only, you can place bets on anything from Australian Idol to your next state election.
WWTS had a different prop, on whether or not a member of the Soprano crime family would die in Episode One. Since not one, but two of them met their final reward this was clearly a winner and the book has paid on these bets.
Chuck Liddell + Dancing With The Stars = Disaster?
Despite popular opinion, UFC light heavyweight superstar Chuck Liddell is a man of many contradictions.
On one hand, he is one of the most feared knockout artists in MMA betting history and perhaps one the league’s most intimidating fighters of all-time. He seemingly represents the “everyman” UFC fan from small towns across America, and it’s easy to picture “The Iceman” kicking back on a warm summer day in front of the grill cooking BBQ chicken and throwing back a few beers with his trademark mini-gut hanging out.
But what many others don’t know is that he also is a notoriously club-scene lover who enjoys painting his toenails and dancing deep into the morning; so much so that it’s even been rumored to be a hobby of his on nights before a fight.
Now, Liddell plans to take those dancing skills to the uber-popular ABC reality show “Dancing with the Stars,” along with fellow athletic celebrity Michael Irvin and such well-known people as R&B singer Mya, Kelly Osbourne, and singer Macy Gray.
Speculation and talk about whether or not Liddell would retire from the UFC should be on hold while the world sits back and watches if The Iceman has what it takes out-dance some of his celebrity contemporaries.
He might not seem like the most graceful guy in the Octagon but never underestimate what a pro athlete can do when given proper instructions and the time it takes to commit to something. They are extremely competitive people and many athletes have had success on Dancing with the Stars including Emmitt Smith and Warren Sapp, the latter a guy not many people expected to have a good run on the show due to his size and perceived lack of gracefulness.
Also, BetUS will no doubt have odds on who’s going to win Dancing with the Stars as it has been a popular bet in past seasons. Who knows, Liddell might actually be worth throwing a fellow bucks on as an underdog.
And of course, if you have no idea who to bet on, you can always just ask your wife or significant other who they think has the best chance to win. If you watch the show with her, those hours might be used as an excuse to watch some extra football on the weekends.
Dancing with the Stars’ new season with Liddell is expected to begin on September 21st on ABC this fall, so if your not MMA betting or sports betting, get into the groove and bet on DWTS at BetUS.
Artie Lange Pitch at Newark Bears Game
Here's Artie's opening pitch at the Newark Bears game that he's been promoting on the Howard Stern Show for several weeks now. As you can see things did not go well for him. I guess he's dad was right after all these years. He really goes throw like a c***.
Kurt Angle Arrest: MMA Now An Option?

We all remember Kurt Angle’s tenacity last year in stating that he would fight in MMA, only for everyone to laugh it off justifiably.
Unfortunately, Angle faces a very bad legal situation and his pro-wrestling doors (mainly WWE and TNA) are closing on him if he ends up in prison. Japan is always an option, but more than likely Kurt Angle will be looking to do something quick for money. The only option left for him to make quick and significant money is an MMA fight.
UFC 102 odds and betting lines
UFC 102 betting odds
Randy Couture vs. Antonio Nogueira (Odds from Sportsbook)
Couture (-185)
Nogueira (+155)
Keith Jardine vs. Thiago Silva (Odds from Betus)
Jardine (-175)
Silva (+145)
Chris Leben vs. Jake Rosholt
Leben (-150)
Rosholt (+120)
Nate Marquardt vs. Demian Maia
Marquardt (-140)
Maia (+110)
Brandon Vera vs. Krzysztof Soszynski
Vera (-150)
Soszynski (+120)
Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Chris Tuchscherer
Gonzaga (-350)
Tuchscherer (+275)
We’re also giving you the opportunity to sign up to our exclusive MMA handicapping newsletter for free. Yes, no cost at all for exactly a month. Just email us at with the subject line “UFC 102” to receive our free plays. Below is an example of our work.
This is also an important component of the handicap, since unlike previous years there is now only one major wrestling organization in the US. This precludes a lot of scenarios where a prominent wrestler would “jump ship” to the WWF. Basically, the talent that is currently in the organization is the only talent that will be considered to win the Royal Rumble. There are a few big names that are currently “free agents” such as Bill Goldberg, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall but they’re all still under contract to Time Warner (former owners of the now defunct WCW promotion) and have a very sound fiscal reason for not joining the WWF. Even if they did, it’s doubtful that they’d quickly be elevated into a headline status. It’s just not the way that Vince McMahon does business—the only previous Royal Rumble winner that was a relative “newcomer” was 1992 winner Ric Flair, though he was already a legend in the business.
It’s also important to keep in mind that the WWF is now a publicly traded company, and with ratings, revenue and stock prices down there’s a good deal of pressure to come up with a solid main event for the biggest PPV of the year. As a result, the Wrestlemania main event, and, therefore, the Royal Rumble winner, will be as much of a business decision as a wrestling storyline decision.
Of the previous Royal Rumble winners, only three are still with the promotion. One owns the promotion—Vince McMahon, who won in 1999, another is the current WWF champ (Steve Austin), so we’ll start our handicap with the only active wrestler who’s won the event before:
The Favorite: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the favorite to win the event (+350) and for good reason. He’s arguably the most popular wrestler in the promotion, has a “history” with champion Steve Austin, and the recent storyline indicates that he’s very likely the choice to face the champ at Wrestlemania. With the urgency of a strong buyrate for the PPV, the WWF may want to go with the obvious choice.
Other Possibilities:
If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t end up being the Rock vs. Austin at Wrestlemania there aren’t many wrestlers on the roster that the WWF management would want to put in such an important spot. Triple H is due back from injury in late December or early January. He’s got the drawing power to get the nod, he’s juiced in with the corporate honchos in the WWF, and has been romantically linked (onscreen and off) to Stephanie McMahon (Vince’s daughter). We’ll take a small position on him. Kurt Angle, who’s a legit Olympic Gold Medalist, has become one of the biggest stars in the sport in a very short time. He’d be an option for the WWF, though I’d doubt if he’d be the first option. We’ll take a shot on him as well. Of the newcomers, former ECW standout Rob Van Dam (aka RVD) could have a shot. He’s got serious downsides against him—he’s a very vocal proponent of marijuana use (he’s been featured in “High Times” magazine) which wouldn’t look good in the media, he’s been accused of “working” rough with the other wrestlers (leading to injury), and he really doesn’t have a style that would mesh well with Austin’s. Of the “short odds” wrestlers, these are the only ones that have a legit chance to getting to the Wrestlemania main event. Everyone else on the roster just isn’t right for the spot, for one reason or another.
The Longshots:
There are two longshots, however, that I’ll throw a little bit of money on. The first is WWF owner Vince McMahon at +2200. He’s a former winner of the event, and is far from shy when it comes to pushing himself in the storyline or promoting himself on television. He could conceivably win “the Rumble” and then somehow lose or give up the Wrestlemania shot the next night on RAW. The McMahon family—including daughter Stephanie and son Shane—has been on TV too much recently, and wrestling fans are starting to get sick of them. I don’t think McMahon would have the nerve to put himself in the Wrestlemania main event with things the way they are now, but then again this is a man who’s not afraid to show his bare ass on national TV. There are worse things to do than bet on a confirmed egomaniac who runs the company and has demonstrated that he’ll elevate himself over his wrestlers if the mood strikes him.
The only other wrestler I could even consider from among the longshots is Chris Benoit, who is a favorite of “hardcore” wrestling fans and arguably the best “worker” in the world. He’s got a couple of drawbacks—he’s been injured and isn’t due back until early 2002 which doesn’t give much margin for error in establishing him as a serious contender. He’s also not as charismatic or as good on the mike as the other choices. I can’t see him as a first choice, but if something happened to the first few choices he might be, in the eyes of the WWF management, the “best of the rest”.
Steve Austin?: There’s some concern that the WWF might have Austin drop the title before the Royal Rumble, and go into Wrestlemania as the challenger after winning the Royal Rumble. Personally, I don’t see it—with the potential opponents for Austin that are available there’s no real advantage to having him drop the belt. For now, I’ll pass on Austin but I’ll keep an eye on developments just in case we need a hedge.
Our Wagering Mix: For now, here’s what we’ll do. The only changes I can reasonably foresee making between now and the Rumble is adding a hedge on Austin should he lose the title. It might be worth adding Triple H to the mix closer to the event depending on how his rehab from injury is going.:
4 units on The Rock @ +250 (Profit if he wins = 7 units)
2 units on Kurt Angle @ +550 (Profit if he wins = 6 units)
1 unit on Vince McMahon @ +3200 (Profit if he wins = 27 units)
Sexy Strikeforce Girls Plus Gina Makes Weight

Gina celebrates making weight as a real life vampire (see right) watches proceedings carefully.

Photo Credit: Esther Lin/STRIKEFORCE
Betting On Strikeforce: Carano vs. Cyborg
The weekend is once again packed with some great MMA betting opportunities for you guys. This time its Strikeforce Carano vs. Cyborg.
The worlds second strongest MMA org will showcase the best female fighters in the sport, as Gina Carano takes on Christiane (Cyborg) Santos for the inaugural Strikeforce Women's Championship. There are a few other big names on this card, with the likes of with Babalu Sobral, and Werdum topping the list.
Arianny Celeste Still Hot and Annoying

Keep up with the musings of one of the great minds of the 21st Century. UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste on Twitter, surprisingly less annoying on video.
- "We went to coco bongos last night, it was fun. The girls n I sang spice girl songs on the taxi ride back. I miss home tho. Im weird."
-"Waking up in Cancun, its beautiful. All we did last night was sip on margaritas by the ocean. Headed to town to shop.I want mexican candy!"
-"Just saw a girl crying in the club,I feel ur pain girl. But ya win some, ya lose some. You learn and move on. LIVE LOVE SMILE BE BRAVE."
UFC 101 Fight in the Crowd Video
This is the crowd fight that broke out during the third round of the Nelson vs. Riley bout at UFC 101. Really unlucky to lose "Fight of the Night" to Silva vs.Griffin.
Is Gina Carano sexy?

Now I need two minutes alone with this gif.
Tito Ortiz In Ice Bath Starring Jenna Jameson
This is the closest thing we'll get to a Tito Jenna sex tape, for now that is.